Monday, August 14, 2017

YouTube Videos That Explain How Options Work

Dear enRICHed Speakers,

Here are some YouTube links that explain basics of options trading:

Options Trading 101: Why Options Are Better Than Stocks

Call Options & Put Options Explained Simply

Options Trading: Understanding Option Prices

How To Succeed in Trading Options

Hope these videos can help you understand more about options trading.

Enjoy and have fun!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Feedback About the Speech on Options Trading

Hi Dear EnRiched Speakers,

Thanks for joining me on Wednesday's meeting.

If you come here, you might want to leave some comments or have some questions to ask.

So just leave your comments or questions under the comments area. Any feedback is welcome. I will reply as soon as possible.

Thanks for visiting.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Apache 403 Forbidden Error and Solution

Make sure correct directory permissions are set on directory:

Directory "/home/domain/www/">

    Options +Index FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
    AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
    Order allow, deny
    Allow from all


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer - Burnaby Lake Trail

We went to the Burnaby Lake on a summer afternoon. It is not as hot as it should be in an average summer afternoon. We walked around the Burnaby Lake, a trail about 13 km, which is a pretty easy trail without uphills and downhills.

It took about two hours for us to finish the trail. We enjoyed the nature and fresh air, our bodies got a terrific exercise.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ubuntu 8.04 - Installation of HP 1020 printer

After installing HP 1020 by using system->administration->Printing
I couldn't use it to print anything.

By searching on internet, I got the way to install HP 1020 printer properly.

- Download file foo2zjs.tar.gz, unzip it:

$ wget -O foo2zjs.tar.gz

$ tar zxf foo2zjs.tar.gz

$ cd foo2zjs

$ sudo make uninstall


$ sudo make

Download file from web for HP 1020:
$ ./getweb 1020


# sudo make install

Install program for hotplug:

# make install-hotplug

This step must be done: unplug the printer and then plug it, let your computer searching for your printer. (remember to unplug and plug your printer once with the printer powered, you will see your printer has reaction.)

If you use CUPS to manage your printers, you must restart cupsd:

$ sudo make cups


delete the original printer, add a new printer. when there are two printer drivers are displayed, remember to select the recommended one

ok,enjoy it.

主要参考网站: ... 52710.html

Friday, January 2, 2009

About the Auto start program for Redhat Linux Server

About the Auto start program for Redhat Linux Server

Oct 6, 2005

Auto start script
- The start script of program is usually put under the folder: /etc/rc.d/init.d

- There are rc0.d, rc1.d, rc2.d, rc3.d, rc4.d, rc5.d and rc6.d six folder coressponding to six run level of Operating system.

- The are many links(?) under each rc?.d folder, which reperants what start script should run for this runlevel, each link point to a start scritp under init.d folder.

for example: Tomcat

- put tomcat's start (stop) script "" under folder: /etc/rc.d/init.d
- put a link point to the script "", the link name could be "s81tomcat", because the link for apach is s85httpd and Tomcat is supposed to start before Apache start for the 'Apache+Tomcat work together' reason.

root@LinuxServer etc]# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/ rc5.d/s81tomcat

- the script with a smaller number runs earlier than the script with a greater number.

service script

- A file named xinetd.conf is under the folder /etc, usually a line like "includedir /etc/xinetd.d" is inside this file.

- Underneath the folder named "/etc/xinetd.d", there are many server files there for different server.

- For example, for cvs server, there is a file named "cvsserver" and with following content.
service cvspserver
port = 2401
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
passenv = PATH
server = /usr/bin/cvs
env = HOME=/home/cvsroot
server_args = -f --allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Watch Youtube Video on Centos 5



from adobe website.


rpm -Uvh flash-plugin-

Close all firefox windows.

Restart firefox, you should be able to watch the video on youtube website.